Is it day five already? How did that happen? So sleepy. Getting up at 6am every morning is not my thing at all. Mornings and Kate do not get along at all.
I spent the morning at on-site registration, monitoring social networks and making a slideshow of images of the Chronicle, the digital app, and the new website. It took some time to figure out Powerpoint (I’ve never used the Mac version of Powerpoint to make a presentation with timed slides in a looping slideshow, so it was a huge and humorous battle, but one I won in the end). I ran it down to the AWP Superbooth and it looks good. It’s nothing special, but it’s far better than a still image of the website. Here’s a photo of my boss, Supriya, with the slideshow in the background at the booth:
After that, I helped out one of our presenters who was trying to figure something out for her own slideshow–she was using iPhoto, and I’ve never used that for a slideshow before. But after trying a lot, we determined we’d have to move her images to iMovie in order to get it to do what she wanted. So in the span of an hour, I actually worked with three different slideshow software packages! LOL
Then I went to the WC&C panel and ended up being the only AWP staff representative. I was able to answer some questions about the AWP website and what it will mean to WC&C members. It was fun meeting some of the people I’ve corresponded with online for years when they submit updates to their listings. And I feel like I have a better understanding of their needs as well.
Lunch was a bit of a fiasco. Somehow we wound up with twenty minutes until our lunch break was ending and 6 people who hadn’t had lunch yet but only 1 who had eaten (and that one couldn’t both man the upstairs on-site reg and the downstairs superbooth). After some juggling, we all managed to get there before 2pm (the end of lunch) to eat. Whew!
On-site registration was mostly quiet today. The problem is, we started running out of everything. First bags then backings of name badges. We asked for new ones to be printed, but they didn’t come in until lunchtime. Then we started really running out of lanyards and conference programs. We actually have pretty much nothing left now apart from plastic badge holders and newly-printed backings. It’s astounding how many people are attending AWP this year!
Oh, I took this photo of the Blue Flower Arts flowers, finally. They’re so pretty, the photo doesn’t really do them justice:
After registration closed, I met up with mojosmom, a local BookCrosser. I love that BookCrossing pretty much means I have a huge family all over the world. But it’s especially nice to be able to meet up with one so sweet and friendly again. I hadn’t seen her since the BookCrossing 2011 Convention last April and it was fun catching up and talking books! We had dinner at the Artist’s Cafe (appropriate).
In the mood for a little more BookCrossing, I grabbed one of the books from my suitcase and released it downstairs in the elevator lobby. I hope it finds a new home!
I really, desperately want to go see Being Flynn (the movie) tonight. I have a ticket for it and after watching the trailer, I can’t imagine a better thing to do than to watch it with a bunch of writers. Also, Nick Flynn will be there for a Q&A! However, I can’t even keep my eyes open and the movie doesn’t begin until 11. I’d probably be able to stay awake to get there, but I’d be a mess in the morning. I’m SO exhausted and getting up at 6am just won’t be pleasant tomorrow if I don’t even get to sleep until 1:30 or 2am. So I’m going to have to give the movie a miss. I’m so sad about it, but I hope that someone on the wait list will enjoy the movie instead tonight. I’ll just stay in and sleep. Maybe I’ll even be able to go to sleep a little early! I’ve got an exciting day tomorrow!