There’s even less I remember about today. Things that happened:
The hotel’s daily schedule. AWP totally takes over.
I remembered that I wanted to buy the writer tarot deck Two Sylvias Press was selling. So as soon as the bookfair opened and I was free for a second at onsite registration, I went straight over there and bought a deck for myself and one for a coworker who also likes tarot. They’re beautiful and came with a book, of course.
I may have also stopped by one other bookfair exhibit space, which was right next to the closest bathroom to onsite and caught my eye. Yeah, I bought some LGBT comic merch. I’m sorry, that’s just too perfect a match for my interest (plus the exhibit space had a disco ball and music; it called to me). I got some awesome buttons and two books, one of which is a graphic novel inspired by an Oscar Wilde story, the other is a Doctor Who book I’ve been wanting to read for months now. Having only spent about a total of 10 minutes in the bookfair, I sure did come out of there with a lot of pricey (for me) purchases. But I love them all.
I released another book, which got picked up pretty quickly. And I gave a book to a coworker.
Registration finally died down to a slow trickle. I also got to do my second tweetup. This year, it was well attended. I passed out Tweet stickers for people’s badges and introduced myself. We talked about AWP and their experiences tweeting at the conference. I got some good first-hand feedback and got to meet some of the names I’d seen appearing on Twitter for the past few days/weeks. That was a great time and I’m so glad I had the chance to do it!