The rest of the train ride was a bit uneventful, apart from some kids stopping up our toilets with paper towels and peeing all over the floors (I just used the ones one car over; those were lovely and pristine). I managed to get a shuttle to the resort (ended up just taking me; I ended up giving him opinions on his different styles of business cards).
So I’m finally at the resort! I’ve never stayed at a resort before. Waaaaaay too posh for my tastes, I think. Wooden walkways and lavish fountains of elephants and huge maps to get you from one side of the place to the other. But it’s gorgeous. Just a lot more extravagant than what I need. Checking in was almost a breeze (the hotel staff got confused since my friend checked in last night) and finding my way around to my room and the Infinitus registration was no problem.
Hotel: win!
Infinitus staff: Big fat FAIL! Boo hiss.
I sent them multiple e-mails, asking if I would be able to pick up my park tickets on Wednesday between 11 and 12. They sent Delma an e-mail saying they would be closed from 10:30-1pm so I asked Infinitus if I could have a friend pick them up for me. The reply was that I could come in any time and pick them up and someone would be there “all day”. They said all day. I have the e-mail to prove it. ALL DAY. But were they there? No. The girl I passed just after 11 said they were “closed for an hour and would be back at 1”. Okay, I know JKR is bad at maths but IN WHAT WAY is 11pm to 1pm only 1 hour? No, here I am waiting for 2 hours to even get into the park. I’ve called Delma several times but have received no answer. She and the kids invited a hurricane into the hotel room last night and are probably enjoying the park at this moment. But I was able to wrangle a clean towel out of a housekeeping employee I stalked in the hallway, and then I took a shower. Oh man. I like being clean after a night sleeping on the train, let me tell you. I don’t even care that my deodorant kind of leaked in my suitcase (it just got on a couple things, most of which are in ziplocks which was in a tupperware container). I like smelling like deodorant and not like someone who slept on a train in clothes all night (I actually got, like, 7.5 hours of sleep, even though I woke up every hour or so). I like clean underwear and clean clothes and free internet!
Took me a while to find the internet, but here it is *pets internet*
I’ve got another friggin hour to kill here (and then I must battle all the lines to get INTO the theme park in the afternoon and somehow find Delma & the kids). But for now, there’s nothing to do but wait. And eat that bag of doritos I bought last night on the train. Nom nom nom.
I laughed at the “bad at maths” comment since it is so cross-universe, applying to Joss Whedon as well.