Harry Potter: Hogwarts Castle #4842
Another in the long tradition of Hogwarts castles, this one is more like a roundup of important rooms and a few nice sections not already featured in sets.
This set uses the style of creating small rooms to represent whole sections. It’s not a style I particularly like because I love details, but we do get lots of lovely pieces from it. The bookcase (library?) features a lovely locked (restricted section?) cabinet. There’s a traveling cabinet exactly like the one at Borgin & Burke’s (except I can’t get it to work; I keep putting minifigs in but they don’t travel from one LEGO set to the other for some reason). The Gryffindor and Slytherin common rooms give us some nice, bright red & green. The owlry is adorable (love the owl poop!). The random statue is nice though random. Dumbledore’s office has some nice little items in it including the sword of Gryffindor over the desk and the school sorting hat printed nicely. The trophy cabinet is lovely (though follows the movie in giving James the wrong Quidditch position). And I absolutely adore the mini great hall, with the turkey and the trifle and the banners.
The minifigs definitely make this worth buying. New Snape is fantastic. And I adore having Flitwick, Filch, and Mrs. Norris!
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