![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() ![]() The following is some very general, very basic explanation of Paganism and Wicca. There are a lot of people I love who I’ve asked to read this page, in hopes of understanding this and me a little better. I’ve been agnostic for about five years now, coming from a non-structured Christian household. I won’t here explore why I left Christianity, because I simply don’t have a reason for that. It was just not what I believed, or what I felt in my heart. So, I made a transition to discovery. It took a while to truly pinpoint what I did believe, and I began to understand that there is no end to what faith and religions could take hold of me. It was not until I stumbled upon the Druid ideals that I felt something strike a chord within me. One of my online friends is a witch, and upon my curious requests, supplied me with some information on Pagan and Wiccan beliefs that immediately hit me as perfect. It was not that I found myself drawn to them, but that they were what my few years of discovery had already turned up inside of me. Even as I assumed that I could never limit myself to any given religion, I found that this was truly the path for me—I belonged there, and there was no denying this. The idea of me belonging to a religion is one that I continue to struggle with, but this is the nature of the Pagan spirit- learning and discovery and becoming in tune with those forces within us that are the Goddess and God themselves. And while I am simply a seeker now, I have already found this amazing connection begun with such forces that is too strong to deny for the sake of my assumptions that I will forever remain agnostic. So, with much strength and self-assurance, and a little bit more faith than I thought I could never feel for anything, I began to explore the Pagan and Wiccan ways. The reasons I found that Pagan and Wiccan ideas were the same of mine, are as many as the grains of sand on the world’s beaches, but I will hit the high points for the sake of your understanding the basics of this faith. INFO TO BE ADDED LATER! SORRY!
An Harm Ye None, Do What Ye Will: To me, this is what most all other religions lack on many different levels. Paganism is NOT a group of people who worship something evil or set fire to buildings or give blood sacrifices or cast spells to get their own way or recruit others. The main and practically only rule for a Pagan is to feel free to do anything you wish, as long as you do not hurt yourself or someone/something else. It is a peaceful religion, that stresses a person's relationship with the Gooddess and God within us all, the energy of the world, and all aspects of nature which show us this magick if only we look. We meditate and cast spells as someone from another religion would pray, as a way to hope, and honor the forces around us. And we do not recruit people to our religion, or display it in means of convincing others to join in.