The 10th Kingdom: Chapter 2



            A heavy sprinkle set in and Virginia took Wolf’s hand. “Let’s get home before we get drenched.”

            Wolf pulled off his jacket to hold it over her head as they hurried back to the apartment. Torn police tape framed the doorway, and a note from the police explained that all money had suddenly appeared back in the vault and though Tony was wanted for questioning, he was no longer to be charged for any wrongdoing. Virginia used the key above the door molding to open up. The apartment was clean, thanks to the landlord and his family, but curtains and rug were missing thanks to the magical vacuum cleaner. Wolf shook off almost immediately, water droplets flying about in spirals until he was air-dried. Virginia supplied him with some of her Dad’s PJ’s for the night, just so happening to notice the abundance of hair on his chest and reminding herself that he was still a half-Wolf albeit out of his element. Wolf changed then pounced into bed beside the clean and changed Virginia.

            “Tired?” he asked, nuzzling against her with a playful look in his deep, brown eyes.

            Virginia pulled the covers up over them, snuggling back against him. “Not so much…” she stroked his tail with the fur where it protruded from the boxers and he purred in reaction, eyes rolling back with a deep, pleasured growl. He lunged forward, rolling in the tangle of blankets with her.


*                      *                      *


            “Sorry, sorry,” a flustered Wolf plopped into his seat at the table across from Virginia. “I got lost and was circling this SoHo place for an hour.” He sniffed and raised a right, bent hand, scratching his temple with two distinct scratches in his adorable signature. “Hi.”

            She laughed, pointing him to the menu. “Hi, it’s all right. I worked late tonight anyway.”

            He nodded, then pulled out a bouquet of white carnations. “Came across them while trying to find this place. For you, my fantastic, fabulous flora.”

            She took a deep whiff, her eyes lighting up at his charm. Even after winning her he never stopped trying to make her life perfect. “Thank you, Wolf. Come on, pick anything you want from the menu.”

            “Mmmmm…” he licked his lips, flipping through the menu pages with enthusiastic quickness. “Such succulent choices.” He closed the menu. “I’ll have to have some of everything.”

            Virginia shook her head with a smile. “Pick one or you’ll be doing the dishes to pay, and they don’t take Wendells.”

            He licked his lips with a mischievous grin in his eyes. “One of each meat?”

            “One dish!” She shot him a half-stern look.

            With a sigh, “Ok, ok… got it.”

            “Would the happy couple care to pick beverages before they order?” The waiter was poised by the table, too good to bother with a pad and pen.

            Wolf answered quickly, hungrily, “We’re ready to order now. But ladies first,” with a sweep of his hand across the table to motion to her. He fidgeted excitedly, sniffing.

            She nodded and noted his attempt at chivalry as she pointed to her menu. “I’ll have the chicken Cesar salad—“

            “Oohh, chicken!” Wolf drooled upon the mention of the poultry.

            “—with a plain baked potato. And a ginger ale.”

            The waited gave a nod and turned to Wolf. “And for you, Sir?”

            He hesitated, then answered with a bit of a growl. “A fat, juicy lamb.”

            With his nose high in the air, “The veal, Sir?”

            He sniffed, nose wrinkling and eyes shutting. Then resumed his normal look a split second after. “The whole lamb. And milk to drink, warm milk, mmm….”

            The waiter, looking a bit disturbed but hardly as much as the one Wolf had showed off to at Virginia’s restaurant, hurried off.

            As Virginia felt his foot run up and down her leg, she smiled back and launched them into discussion. “So do you miss home yet?”

            Wolf seemed aghast at the thought of such a question. “Huff-Puff! Not when I’m sitting across from the most succulently beautiful creature in all of the ni-ten, ten kingdoms.”

            She blushed. “So, umm… we have much to talk about. A wedding ceremony, a new house, the baby…”

            He nodded, quickly rubbing a finger beneath his nose, “Start anywhere you like, my sweetie pie.”

            When the food arrived, Wolf dug in and Virginia began on hers. Halfway through, she noticed that he was only as far as she was, certainly not devouring with his usual eagerness. “You okay?”

            He nodded, sniffing, the rubbing his finger under his nose. “Not as hungry as I thought I was, I suppose.”

            Her ears immediately perked up. Wolf not hungry? She reached over, her hand on his arm. “What’s the matter?”

            His finger freezing beneath his nose, his head suddenly snapped down twice. “Ehhshh! Tushhh!

            “Bless you!”

            A confused look passed over his face. “Excuse me… what’d you just say?”

            “I said ‘bless you’ it’s what we say when someone here—“

            Heshh! Tushhhh!” His nostrils flared and his rubbed his finger repeatedly against them.

            “—sneezes,” she finished, and flagged down the waiter. “Doggy bags and the check please.”

            “Right away, Madame.”

            “Thank you.”

            Wolf cocked his head to the side. “You’re fin… finished? Sniff!” He sniffed, shaking his head back and forth as his finger continued to rub.

            “We are. Something tickling your nose?”

            “No, well, sniffle, frankly yes. A little bit. I’m certain it will ehhh-“ He clamped a hand over his nose and mouth. “Ehhshuhh! Hummmph!

            Virginia put down the money and gathered the Styrofoam cartons, then pulled on his arm. “We’re outa here.”

            It was a long walk back through a soft drizzle. Virginia had an umbrella but they were still a bit wet by the time they reached central park. Normally, Virginia knew enough to avoid it at dusk, but she felt so safe with Wolf’s hand in hers, and it really was the quickest way home. Of course, such thinking in any kingdom only led to trouble.

            From out of the bushes came a dark, masked figure. It charged at Virginia, grabbing for her backpack and raising a fist to her face to strike. The umbrella went flying and tumbling with the wind into the bushes. Virginia held tight to one strap of the backpack and attempted to push her attacker away with the other. Wolf reacted faster than either attacker or victim, relying on pure instinct. He grabbed the man, throwing him to the ground, sinking his teeth into his shoulder with a fierce growl. He then punched the man with all his strength, knocking the man out cold instantly with the one blow. Wolf sprang to his feet, grabbing Virginia and hugging her to him. “Are you all right? He didn’t hurt you did he?” He whimpered, hugging her tightly.

            “I’m all right, Wolf. He just wanted my money.”

            Kissing her forehead. “I’ll always keep you safe You know that, right? Here, sniff there, wherever, I’ll be there for you.”

            Virginia smiled, thinking of the multiple savings of her life and how this one paled greatly in comparison. She slipped her hand into his, giving it a squeeze.

            Wolf shivered both from the touch and the cold breeze, then swooped down to recover the umbrella.

            With a kiss to the cheek in thank you, “I saw that shiver. Are you sure you’re all right?”

            He nodded, changing the subject with ease, “Come on… I’ll race you home!”

            She giggled back, dropping his hand and running beside him back to the building. It was neck and neck for the longest time, with Wolf pulling back for her sake. At the last moment, he stopped dead in his tracks to allow Virginia to pop forward victoriously. She turned, arms in the air, giggling, cheeks a healthy flush to accent her smile. What she saw was Wolf leaning against the side of the building, nose twitching. “ehhhh, huh… HuhIhhshh! Ahhchechh! Ehhshooo!” He gained his breath, sniffing. “Oh no…” his nose tickled and ran, and he quickly covered it with a hand, embarrassed.

            Digging a few tissues out of her pocket and rubbed them against his nose for him. He seemed to protest at first, his manhood threatened, then gave in to find it helped sooth the tickle considerably. She then escorted him to the elevator and up, leaning in and going on tiptoes to feel his forehead. “So you are sick then.”

            Wolf shook his head. “We don’t get sick in the kingdoms… unless it’s sniffle pertinent to the situation. You know, like Grandma Riding Hood’s grandmother?”

            “Well, you, my displaced dear, have what we here easily get two to ten times a year.” She went on tiptoes again to kiss his nose. “A cold.”

            “Can’t be!” He rubbed the flat of his palm against the tip of his nose, tickling from her touch. “Does my nose feel cold and wet?” he sniffled, wiggling the very nose in question cutely.

            She felt it gently, shaking her head. “Nope, warm and dry.”

            “Awwwwwwwwwww!” he whimpered with worry, eyes zipping back and forth in panic. “No!”

            “Yes!” she giggled back, taking him in an embrace. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you. Just call me Nurse Virginia.”

            He pulled back as they excited the elevator. “I don’t need… nehh… Ahshooo! ehhhchishhh! Sniff, sniff! I don’t need you to mother me. Ihhh…Ihhhchhoo! hetchoo! sniff… Ahchoo!” He whimpered, nuzzling his face into her neck. “Ok, mother me already!”

            Virginia took him in, pulled his shirt off, stripping him down and tucking him into her bed. She heated him some warm milk and brought a wool blanket and a box of tissues. “Be right back,” she kissed his cheek as his nose was busy twitching from tickles and his lips were pursed firmly as his brow wrinkled in serious concentration. When she returned from the bathroom, dabbing her hair dry with a towel, she found he’d wrapped the blankets and pillows into a nest-like arrangement. Wolf was curled in the middle, tail between his legs, tissue in his hand and hovering near his nose in expectation.

            She couldn’t help but give a sigh, “Oh, Wolf.”

            His body tightened not at her comment but at the intensity of an oncoming sneeze, and he buried his head in the blankets, covering his nose and mouth as best he could. “Ehhchoo! Hushhh!

            “Bless you.”

            He looked up, rubbing his nose, looking confused for a second before the words registered, then whimpered. “I dod thig I lige this.”

            Pulling a few tissues from the box, she handed them over. “Blow your nose; you’re all stuffed up.”

            He took the tissues but made no move. With his head cocked, he blinked in confusion. “Blow? I’b still getting used to all this sdeezig. What is blowig?”

            After some suppressed giggled, a few informative demonstrations and help sessions, and a bit of sympathetic, caring assistance, Virginia managed to get him through it.

            Wolf sniffed, his nose considerably clearer. “Huff-Puff! Feels much better! Sniff, sniff! Thanks!”

            Virginia beamed, glad to be of some help. “So is there room for one more in that cozy nest of yours?”

            He smiled, nodding like a young cub. “We wolves mate for life and share our den willingly.” Then he hesitated. “As long as you don’t mind. I feel awfully sniffley and sneezey and’ll probably be up half the night. Oh! And I don’t want you getting sick, too! And I don’t exactly sniff, sniff, have the hang of this cold thing yet…”

            Virginia smiled, crawling in amidst the blankets and snuggling with him in a most comfy position. She was on her back, and he was curled up into a ball with his head on her shoulder and chest. Blankets wrapped around him just letting his face out from beneath. Virginia wrapped one arm around him, resting it on his back. She made certain the tissues were close by and reached to turn out the lights.

            They lay in silence a while, Wolf brining his arm up to drape over her waist to get just a little more comfortable. Then Virginia pulled the folds of another blanket up. She then rubbed her hand up and down his arm; Wolf snuggled closer with a frustrated sigh, unable to get comfortable.

            “Wolf, have you ever been sick before?”

             He nodded, sniffling. “Once, when I was a young, young cub.” He sniffed strongly. “My scrumptious sweet… I think ehh… I’m gonna ihh… sn-sneeze again…” Wolf sounded so worried that she held him close with a squeeze of reassurance. She covered his nose for him with a tissue. “Ehhh…” he strained, tensing in her arms, then relaxing. “False alarm, I guess.” He brought his hand up and quickly scratched the side of his forehead twice.

            “So, why were you sick before if you all only get sick when something important comes up?”

            “I, uh, well, my mother took care of me, and when I got sick, she stopped everything to take care of me. It made Grandma Riding Hood suspicious. To sniff, sniff, my memory that was when she first realized iihhh-ehh…hishoo! Achuhh! Ehshooo! Sniff, sniff, that I was half wolf.”

            “Oh Wolf,” she wiped his nose for him, the paper of the tissue rough against the stubble of his upper lip. “Then this must bring back bad memories… I’m sorry…”

            He nuzzled against her, whimpering, then let out a gentle howl. “There’s no denying who I am, and I’m a changed sniff, sniff, Wolf now, and I… I… ehhh  I think I’m going to snehhh… ehhh snehhh…sneeze…” he rubbed his finger violently beneath his nose, large nostrils flaring, eyes squinting, chest heaving.

            “Go ahead and sneeze when your nose tickles like that.” She laid a hand on his forehead, stroking gently.

            His nod grew long as his breath caught. “huh-chishh! huhashooo! huhh—“ he froze, then relaxed with a sigh and ran the side of his hand to his wrist beneath his nose. With his wrist, there, he hesitated, froze, then fell forward with an extra mighty. “HESHHAH!” He shook his head quickly to clear his ears.

            Virginia thrust the tissues at him. “Sounds like it’s quieted down in your nose a bit. Let’s see if we can’t—“

            hehshhh!” startled, he clapped his hand over his nose.

            Virginia blinked, wiping her hand over the sprayed half of her face.

            “Huff-puff! Sorry, my luscious love. I didn’t mean to sneeze on you!”

            She giggled, rubbing her face against a corner of a blanket. When she looked back, Wolf had pulled the folds of the blankets over his own face, hiding himself with soft, cubbish whimpers. With a soft smile, she savored the moment for just that, a moment. Then she pounced on him, giggling and cuddling and kissing, rolling in the tangled sheets to assure him that all was right. When they settled, he was half on top of her, and half curled, purring happily as Virginia scratched behind his ear. “You’re in my kingdom now, and I’ll take good care of you. Night Wolf.”

            He gave a deep, happy sigh, and sniffed to clear his voice a bit more. “Night Virginia.”



            When light at last streamed through the apartment window, Wolf stirred, his own snores waking him as much as the sun. He crawled out from the nest to get a well-needed drink. He shivered at the cold, damp air, and looked back at his love to be sure she’d be all right without him. Virginia stirred but, brining some loose blanket against her chest to cuddle, she fell back to sleep, rather used to sleeping alone after so many years. Wolf headed to the kitchen, running the water and craning his head beneath the tap to lap some up as it ran. At the fridge, he dug out the cartons of food they’d taken home the night before. They looked a bit mussed from the shakes they’d received from the mugger and the race, but otherwise all right. He sniffed his share to be sure and found his sense of smell masked. It was enough to tell that it was a slab of meat, not a bouquet of flowers in front of him, but that was the extent of his power. Eyes zipped back and forth in confusion as his heart raced and panic set in. He tried sniffing in harder, to no avail.

            “Wolf?” A groggy Virginia stood in the doorway, wearing her nightshirt and holding a blanket in her arms. She wrapped it around his bare shoulders without a word; she simply kissed his cheek in good morning.

            First thing was first, though. He held the meat up to her face. “Sobthig’s wrog. I cad’t sbell it.”

            She smiled, taking it from him and popping it into the microwave for two minutes. Then she went for the tissues, putting a bunch to his nose and commanding him to blow. “Clear your nose and you’ll be able to smell a little better. You’re just all stuffed.”

            He followed orders, finishing as the microwave gave its own finishing ding. After taking a few sniffs and a few trial bites, he turned to her, with a look of confusion still in his eyes. “Tastes weird…”

            Nodding, “Yes,” she answered. “It’s because your nose is still stuffy. Just eat up. I’m going to run out and get some cold medication for you.”

            “Some what?” He whimpered, dropping the empty container to the counter with a thump. Taking hold of Virginia by the shoulders, he tilted his head to the side and gave her a strong look of shock, need and sternness. “Huff-Puff! You can’t go! You can’t leave me alone here… like this…”

            Virginia kissed his forehead, finding it to be warmer than before, unless just in her imagination; she wished she’d checked before. But wolf was the most independent, strong-willed man she’d ever known, albeit off the wall and a bit neurotic. If he admitted he needed her, she wasn’t about to leave. “All right, hush, I’ll stay. We’ve probably got some in the cabinet from the last time Dad caught a cold. You—“ she poked him in the tummy for emphasis, “You finish eating whatever you want them get all cuddled up in the blankets again. Got it Buster?”

            He sniffed, nuzzling with playful chuckles and kisses into her neck.

            Virginia laughed, throwing her head back in pleasure. “I’ll take that as a yes.” She left to change and retrieve a box of pills from the bathroom medicine cabinet. She returned to find him curled amidst the blankets and pillows, hidden from view except for a lock of hair and a bit of forehead. Kneeling by the bed she rubbed his arm through the blankets and he peaked out.

            A smile spread over his face to see her. He looked her up and down. A tight green long-sleeved fleece, denim skirt, blue leggings beneath. He reached up, putting her arm and then letting his hand slip to his hand slip to waist. “You’re sniff, sniff, as creamy and soft as a sheep. Mmmm…” he scratched his temple twice, then left his fingers there, bending one to motion her closer.

            She smiled back, holding up a glass of water and a pill. “First thing’s first.”

            “What’s that?”

            “Cold medicine.”

            He cocked his head, cautious of it. “No spoonfuls of the pink liquid stuff that tastes like peppermint?”

            “Nope, just a pill. Sit up for me, k?” He did, bringing the blankets up with him to stay warm. “You’ll need to swallow this with a bit of water.”

“Hah! No chewing?”

            “Just put it in the back of your mouth and swallow hard with a gulp of water.”

Hesitantly he tried, gagging at the sensation, spitting out the water with coughs.

Virginia, having anticipated the reaction, patted his back and handed the pill back to him. “Good, please try again?” Shaking his head with a few remaining coughs, he tried again, pushing the pill back and gulping water. Virginia rubbed his throat as was done with pets to ease pills down. Unfortunately, it didn’t work. With tears in his eyes from the gagging and coughs, he stared at her accusingly. “I admit it takes a little practice. I’m sorry. Oh! Hold on! I’ve got it!” She charged to the kitchen, returning only a few minutes later with a small bowl of ice cream. “Eat up!”

            He dug in, devouring it. When done, he handed it back to her, giving himself an excuse to rub his hands on her soft shirt “So, was it in there?”

            “Yep, good job.” She ruffled his hair tenderly.

            He beamed, proud of his accomplishment, but then his face fell. Grabbing a fistful of tissues, he held them to his nose. “Huh-ehhchhh! Ahashphh! Huffff!” he sneezed into them, blew his nose a few times, then fell back on the bed, sniffling.

            “Bless you. You look sleepy.”

            His eyelids fluttered shut, then pulled themselves open for his answer. “I ab… add is by nose sniff, sniff, sniff, subbosed sniff to be ruddig so buch?” He rubbed his finger beneath his nose, then the back of his hand and wrist.

            Virginia took the tissues, rubbing his nose for him. “The medication is kicking in already. They’ll loosen things up and make you a little drowsy but—“

            Snxxgttt!” He was asleep already. Virginia wondered if it was the first time he’d had such medication. Or perhaps things like medicine just worked faster with those who have been born of magic and fairy tales.

            She giggled and kissed his warm nose, tightening the blankets around him. Then she curled up behind him on her side, reading a book as she waited for him to finish his nap. ‘Poor Wolf,’ she thought to look at him. Not two days back and already with a cold. Wolves, she considered along with the inhabitants of rest of the kingdoms, must have amazingly complex immune systems. But given that Wolf had only once briefly before encountered the germs of this dimension, or any germ for that matter since he was very young, she was not overly surprised that he’d caught the sniffles in his nose so soon after their arrival. He’d been drenched, and through so very much since their meeting that run-down could have easily described him. She reached over, stroking his forehead, peeling the bangs from his eyes. He, she decided, was a perfect angel when he was asleep and a perfect wolf and man when awake. Her hand strayed to her belly where Wolf had assured her a little baby cub was growing; she just hoped it was the one, rather than a whole litter. It all seemed so sudden. From hopeless waitress to engaged to a half-wolf and pregnant all in one adventure. From lost and bored to a daughter, and the savior of the nine kingdoms. Something in her told her that they would be back sooner than any of them thought, and she wasn’t too sure she minded. After searching all over the kingdoms for the mirror back, she longed to see her father and breathe in the magical air once more. She put her book down, realizing that an escape to the literary world was in no ways even a close comparison to the escape she had found an adventure ago. Spooning her fiancé, she cuddled them both onto the dreamscape.


            The afternoon found them lounging on the couch. Virginia had fixed them both big bowls of good ole chicken soup with extra chicken for Wolf. The sound of the door buzzer startled them both. Wolf, now wearing a shirt and jeans, darted over before Virginia had a chance to answer it. He did some sniffing and through his stuffy nose, came to the decision that the visitor was hardly a threat. Sighing, he opened the door.

            “Dad!” Virginia exclaimed, racing to him with a hug.

            “Hey Tony.” Wolf ran his hand through messed hair and sighed to resume his lunch on the couch.

            Tony was a bit out of breath, but came in, closing the door behind him for safety. “I know you only just got back, but we have another problem already. Apparently Prince, er, King Wendell must marry within the first month of his holding the throne and there are more complications. Too much to explain now. Can you both come back with me?”

            Virginia and Wolf exchanged looks, then finally Wolf shrugged. “Your wish is our command.”

            “Let me get a few things together, then we’re out of here. Wolf?” Wolf and Virginia gathered a little food, blankets, things for Wolf in the condition he was in, and other little things. When done, the three took off for the spot in the park where the mirror connected the two worlds.



            King Wendell was waiting from them on the other side with a smile and a pot of tea… and a full explanation. After the hugs and ‘how are you’s, they took seats in the drawing room and confronted the full problem. “The problem lies in several old tales and several old relics. Fairy tales, if you will, as they are the ones who keep them and have brought them to my attention most recently. I am, as Anthony may have explained, under rule to be married at the end of this month. I had begun to plan a ball, as in tradition of all the great Kings and Princes to look for the perfect woman there. But there… there my destiny seems to be in the way.

“You have heard of the five great women who changed history: Snow White, Cinderella, Gretal the Good, Rupunzel, and Red Riding Hood. You have met Queen Cinderella, even. Well, there was always speculation that there should have been nine, one for each kingdom. Over time, the days of magic and legend were through and until, well, until we four fulfilled the prophecy to save the nine kingdoms, we were sure five were all that would come. But now, it’s as if the old days had returned. Magic and goodness are overflowing, there are even rumors that the Ice Queen of the 8th Kingdom will be succeeded by a beautiful Princess.

            “You see, as the fairies tell, many years ago when the first Queen Gretal the Good was in power, she entrusted one of her magic mirrors to the goblins who immediately broke it into nine pieces. Now you know that when a mirror splits, each piece becomes a small mirror of its own rather than part of a whole. Each of these pieces were a little different in that they reflected only the truth of one of the great women. As each came to power, her face became a permanent image in a piece of glass, and each place took its spot in the empty mirror frame. After Snow White’s stepmother came to power, she had the mirror and pieces hidden and buried, and the rest of us gave up all hope of the remaining four. We slipped into dark times. At any rate, before I could finish planning the ball, Anthony here came upon something quite special buried beneath the soil where he’s started the digging, the frame and remaining mirror pieces, carefully wrapped and very well intact for their age; I have attendants cleaning them even now. And in accordance with the tales, there are nine pieces, not five. One of the empty pieces, however, has a faint image… of the woman, I believe, I am destined to marry and bring into power.”

            He stopped to given them all a few moments to process the thoughts. Tony sat beaming still at being mentioned in connection with the discovery. The dog who’d been named Prince Wendell the second but called ‘Pup’ more than anything by those in the castle, wandered in to hop up on Wendell’s lap. Virginia sat in Wolf’s lap, cuddled against him, his arm around her, holding a cup of tea for her. Wolf was the first to speak again, “Sleeping Beauty?”

            King Wendell nodded, his golden curls bouncing with affirmation. “She has laid in rest in the 6th Kingdom for a hundred years under a spell that none have been able to break but we… we are the four. We, my good friends, will bring her back and restore her beauty and compassion to the Kingdoms.”

            “Sounds wonderfully romantic,” Tony spouted, leaning forward in his seat. “So what’s the catch?”

            Wolf snorted, growling with laughter. “It’s the most dangerous undertaking any of the kingdoms. Her sleeping palace is miles into the heart of the kingdom, with many dangers in the way. And it is protected by hundreds of feet of thick thorn walls, puzzles, tricks, and traps. Those who try have never succeeded and never returned.”

            “It is up to us four!”

            Pup barked, raising his paw in protest.

            They laughed, and Wendell corrected himself. “All right, it’s up to us five, but you, Pup, need to stay and take care of my kingdom for me.”

            The dog seemed mildly pleased at the solution and set to work scratching its back with one hind leg.

            Tony hoped up. “Well count me out! Once is enough. If I wanted danger I would have gone back to New York!”

            Wolf looked down at Virginia, sniffing softly, then caressing her face gently in remembrance of their adventures and multiple close calls. “What sniff, sniff, do you think my creamy dreamboat?”

            She looked at Wolf, then her father, then Wendell. “Why must it be done now?”

            With a sigh, Wendell nodded to her logical skills. “She was betrothed to my great grandfather, but when she fell into her deep sleep, he married another, the mother of Snow White. It was said that if her chosen had not broken the spell in 100 years, all would be lost and she and her good castle would be asleep for all eternity.” Gently, he eased Pup off himself and stood, pacing about the room in front of them. “Lately, I have seen the great women in my dreams, calling out to me. Cinderella and the fairies have both paid me visits, and my sense of honor seems challenged. I had to pass three tests to become King, but now that I am, I must surpass these ideals to take care of my people every way I can. Queen Rupunzel is dead, and the people of the 6th Kingdom are asleep. It is my duty to save them before it is too late… and I do not think I can do it without your help.”

            Virginia nodded. “So, when do we leave?”

            “OH no! Not me!” Tony shook his head, backing toward the door. “Not again!”

            Virginia stood, pulling Wolf up with her. “Come on, Dad, we need you. It’ll be fun.”

            “Tony… you know you want to… just think of all the beautiful young maidens who will wake when you break the spell… thankful, delighted, starved for… for attention.” He raised his arm to his face. “ehhhHumph! huhhmmphh!

            Virginia switched from excitement to concern.“Bless you… Wolf… are you all right to come?”

            Wolf stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her mid section, the touch of the soft fleece making him smile. “Huff-Puff! You bet if it’s with you. I wouldn’t think about sniff, sniff, letting you out there on your own.”

            “So it’s settled!” Wendell exclaimed. “We leave by carriage this afternoon. I thank you all so much!”

            They all nodded and promised to see each other later that day. Wendell took his leave to see to matters, and Pup followed close at his heels.

            uffchhh! Hehtchah! ehh… ehhChishh!

            “Have a cold?” Tony actually looked half concerned, as he looked Wolf up and down.

            Wolf nodded reluctantly, sniffling. “How’d you ever guess?”

            “Must have a gift.” He reached over and patted his back. “Catch you both later.”

            Alone again, Wolf leaned upon her, his forehead on the top of her head. Relaxing he gave a sigh.

            She turned around to face him, wrapped her arms around him, and hugged him tightly. “Are you certain you’ll be all right?”

            “Yeah… it’s just a cold.” He hugged her back, in a tight wolf hug, lifting her a few inches from the ground as he bent backward a little. He twirled her around in a circle, laughing. “Oohhh, I love you, I love you, I love you!!”

            When she was back on her feet, she looked up to see the giant smile on his face. “Happy to be home?”

            He nodded vigorously. “The air has magic in it, the smells,” he sniffed strongly, “or what I can smell of them are so… home! The moves, the look… grrrrowl!” He shook, stretching his arms out wide and free.

            She seized the opportunity and tickled his underarms. He jerked them back against his body but doubled over into her with laughter. Laughing back, she helped him right himself as they caught their breaths.

He took one look at her and sighed, “But home, my voluptuous Virginia, is when I look into your eyes.”

            She melted into him with hugs and closed her eyes as his arms wrapped around her. “I love you, too, Wolf.”