Kate McDevitt
Photos around the World
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Peru Mexico Bolivia Mali Kenya Burma Egypt Nepal Romania PNG Afghanistan China

Resources used for the photo gallery of the world section: 

  1. A Helping Hand , Adoption Agency and outreach organization
  2. "Afghan Children... " , World News: Afghanistan Crisis(Personal Site using resource), Oct. 31, 2001.
  3. Child Protection: Child Disabilities , UNICEF.
  4. El Puente de Esperanza (The Bridge of Hope) , Non-profit in Queretaro, Mexico.
  5. "Meeting the HIV/AIDS Challenge" , UNICEF, 2002.
  6. Midwifery Training, The Joliba Trust, non-profit organization
  7. Population Services International Programs, 2002.
  8. Papua New Guinea, Save the Children New Zealand.
  9. The Street Children of Nepal, Non-profic organization in the UK/Nepal
  10. Westnell Nursery, Non Profit Organization in Peru.
  11. "World Health Day" , Save the Children, 2002.

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Created by Kate McDevitt, 2002